Quote from Monseñor Óscar Romero on U.S. Weapon Assistance to Salvadoran Army (2/2)
"Los Estados Unidos ayudan con armas al ejercito Salvadoreño en su lucha contra el pueblo y esto es un crimen" ~Monseñor Romero. In English, the quote reads "The United States helps the Salvadoran army with arms in its fight against the people, and this is a crime." Monseñor Óscar Romero served as Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Salvador and spoke out against social injustice and violence by the government and encouraged his people to stop carrying out government orders to kill. He was shot and killed while celebrating mass. To the left of the quote is the acronym C. N. S. P., which stands for Consejo Nacional de Seguridad Pública, or in English, "National Council of Public Safety." Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by David Schwartz, Albright College, 1981.