Library Media Reserve VOD

Browser Compatibility

Only the following browsers supported [both mobile and desktop version]
  • Chrome Version 70+
  • FireFox Version 59+
  • Microsoft Edge 12+

Copyright Agreement/Policy

This object may be copyright-protected, and is reproduced here under the Fair Use provision of copyright law for research and educational purposes. Permission to reuse, publish, or reproduce the object beyond the bounds of Fair Use or other exemptions to copyright law must be obtained from the copyright holder.
  • Reserved media is for Albright student's personal use only and intended for the class that the professor reserved.
  • Using only one access/viewing device during the reserved time to view the media.
  • During the reservation available period, a physical copy of the media will be kept on the library's reservation shelves and will not circulate
  • All exceptions to the above regulations must be approved by the Library Director.