Resource(s) available in Nicaragua Revolution: David Schwartz Collection's collection

"A Secret War for Nicaragua" ~Newsweek
Article title "A Secret War for Nicaragua" published in Newsweek on Nov. 8, 1982. Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by David Schwartz, Albright College, n.d.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College

"Acción Permamente Cristiana Por La Paz"
"Acción Permamente Cristiana Por La Paz" is the Spanish translation, though it is not a direct translation, of "Witness for Peace." The bottom of the poster reads: "Oramos Por Uds. Y Por La Paz," which in English is translated to "We pray for you and for peace." David Schwartz, photographer, traveled to Nicaragua with the Witness for Peace. More information about the organization and their work in Nicaragua can be found here: Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by Professor David Schwartz, Albright College, 1981.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College

"Altura 570 metros sobre nivel del mar"
The sign reads: "Altura 570 metros sobre nivel del mar." The English translation is "Height 570 meters above sea level." Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by David Schwartz, Albright College, 1981.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College

"Bienvenidos a la patria de Sandino"
On a building, a sign that reads "Bienvenidos a la patria de Sandino" appears to be covering up a previous sign, though it is unclear what the words are underneath the newer sign. The English translation is "Welcome to the homeland of Sandino." An image of Augusto Sandino, Nicaraguan revolutionary leader wearing his iconic sombrero, can be seen to the left of the text. Additional text reads: "FSLN es nuestra vanguardia," or in English "FSLN is our forefront." Another poster reads: "Bienvenidos a Nicaragua Libre Companeros Latinoamericanos al III congreso Fesitraucam," or in English, "Welcome to free Nicaragua Latin American Companions to the Third Congress of Fesitraucam." Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by Professor David Schwartz, Albright College, 1981.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College

"Bienvenidos a Nicaragua"
Signs read: "Diners Club Nicaragua," "Another Diners Club Country," and "Bienvenidos a Nicaragua," which in English is "Welcome to Nicaragua." Diners Club is an international direct banking and payment services company. In addition, an advertisement for North Star is pictured. Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by Professor David Schwartz, Albright College, 1981.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College

"Cada casa una invecible trinchera Sandinista"
A poster reads: "Cada casa una invecible trinchera Sandinista." The English translation is "Every House an Invincible Sandinista Trench." Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by David Schwartz, Albright College, 1984.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College

"Central Sandinista de trabajadores 'Fausto H. Garcia' Esteli."
Building with the words: "Central Sandinista de trabajadores 'Fausto H. Garcia' Estelí." The English translation of the building is Sandinista Workers' Center, which is located in Esteli, Nicaragua. The Sandinista Workers' Center is the dominant national trade union center in Nicaragua, which was formed after the Nicaraguan revolution of 1979. Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by Professor David Schwartz, Albright College, 1984.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College

"Central Sandinista de trabajadores Jose Bento Escobar"
Building with the words: "Central Sandinista de trabajadores Jose Bento Escobar." The English translation of the building is Sandinista Workers' Center. The Sandinista Workers' Center is the dominant national trade union center in Nicaragua, which was formed after the Nicaraguan revolution of 1979. Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by Professor David Schwartz, Albright College, 1984.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College

"Central Sandinista de trabajadores"
"Central Sandinista de trabajadores," or in English "Sandinista Workers' Center," is located in Managua. The Sandinista Workers' Centre (CST) is the dominant national trade union center in Nicaragua. It was formed after the Nicaraguan revolution (1979). The CST is closely linked with the FSLN. Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by Professor David Schwartz, Albright College, 1981.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College

"Central Sandinista de trabajadores"
Building with the words: "Central Sandinista de trabajadores." The English translation of the building is Sandinista Workers' Center. The Sandinista Workers' Center is the dominant national trade union center in Nicaragua, which was formed after the Nicaraguan revolution of 1979. Another sign on the building is an image of the FSLN red and white flag with an outline of Augusto Sandino, Nicaraguan revolutionary leader. Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by Professor David Schwartz, Albright College, 1981.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College

"Centro Arlen Siu"
The sign reads: "Centro Arlen Siu," or "Arlen Siu Center." Arlen Siu Bermúdez was a Chinese Nicaraguan who became one of the first female martyrs of the Sandinista revolution. She was assassinated by soldiers from Anastasio Somoza Debayle's National Guard in 1975 when she was only 20 years old. Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by Professor David Schwartz, Albright College, 1984.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College

"Crater Nindiri"
The plaque reads: "Crater Nindiri explorado por Fray Blas del Castillo en 1538. Rellenado por lava en 1670." The English translation is "Crater Nindiri explored by Fray Blas del Castillo in 1538. Filled with lava in 1670." Crater Nindiri is located near the Masaya volcano, south of Managua. Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by David Schwartz, Albright College, 1981.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College

"Diciembre victorioso muerte al somocismo"
Children with David Schwartz in the middle are pictured in front of a poster that reads: "Diciembre victorioso muerte al somocismo." The English translation is "December Victorious Death to Somocismo." Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by David Schwartz, Albright College, 1984.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College

"En diciembre victorioso Muerte al Somocismo"
The poster reads: "En diciembre victorioso Muerte al Somocismo." The English translation is "In Decembre victorious death to Somocismo." The letters are written in red and black, the colors of the FSLN political party and flag. A statue is seen in the background. Photographed by Professor David Schwartz, Albright College, 1984.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College

"La historia de gran garrote"
A poster with Uncle Sam holding a big stick reads: "La historia de gran garrote". The English translation is "The history of the big stick." In addition, countries and dates are listed, including: Nicaragua 1933, Cuba 1961, Vietnam 1975, Angola 1976, and finally, Centro América 1983... The ellipsis signifies that this struggle is not over and is to be continued. All of the countries and dates represent numerous struggles where the United States was involved, and the poster negatively depicts this influence. Uncle Sam, representing the U.S., appears to be attacking and remaining victorious over the other nations, until the end where his stick, U.S. influence, has shrunk in size. Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by David Schwartz, Albright College, 1984.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College

"Nicaragua, you will return!"
A sign reads: "Nicaragua tu regresaras," or in English, "Nicaragua you will return!" The Nicaraguan flag, blue and white, is also pictured. Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by Professor David Schwartz, Albright College, 1981.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College

"Nuestro compromiso: con el pueblo Nuestro deber: luchar y vencer"
People standing in front of sign: "Nuestro compromiso: con el pueblo Nuestro deber: luchar y vencer". The English translation is "Our commitment: with the people Our duty: to fight and win." Paintings of what appear to be revolutionaries are below the sign. Many of the revolutionaries in the painting are wearing the iconic sombrero of Augusto Sandino, Nicaraguan revolutionary leader. Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by Professor David Schwartz, Albright College, 1981.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College

"Parque Nacional Volcan Masaya Irena Servicio de Parques Nacionales"
The sign reads: "Parque Nacional Volcan Masaya Irena Servicio de Parques Nacionales." The English translation is "National Park Volcano Masaya Irena National Park Service." Masaya is located south of Managua. Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by David Schwartz, Albright College, 1984.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College

"Pueblos del mundo queremos la paz para centroamerica"
A billboard with a dove and a map of Nicaragua reads: "Pueblos del mundo queremos la paz para centroamerica." The English translation is "People of the world want peace for Central America." Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by David Schwartz, Albright College, 1984.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College

"Pueblos del Mundo Queremos la Paz"
People gathered in front of a bus are holding the sign: "Pueblos del Mundo Queremos la Paz." The English translation is "People of the world want peace." Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by David Schwartz, Albright College, 1984.
David Schwartz Collection, Albright College