Augusto Sandino Portrait
Pictured is Augusto Sandino with the quote: "Nicaragua Libre! Nosotros iremos hacia el sol de la libertad o hacia la muerte y si morimos no importa, nuesta causa seguirá viviendo, otros nos seguirán." The English translation is "Free Nicaragua! We will go to the sun of freedom or toward death and if we die it does not matter, our cause will continue to live, others will follow us." Augusto Sandino was a Nicaraguan revolutionary leader who led a rebellion from 1927-1933 against U.S. military influence and occupation in Nicaragua. He became a hero and symbol of resistance against the U.S. across Latin America. In 1934, Sandino was assassinated by the Somoza regime, a long-standing dictatorship in Nicaragua. The Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) revived Sandino's legacy when the Sandinistas won the revolution in 1979. Sandino remains an icon recognized by his iconic sombrero and boots. Archived by Leah Williams. Photographed by Professor David Schwartz, Albright College, 1981.
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